All Natural Tong Xuan Li Fei Pian (tablet) - 通宣理肺片

All Natural Tong Xuan Li Fei Pian (tablet) - 通宣理肺片
A popular all natural ingredient Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used to relieve cold, ventilate and nourish the lungs. TCM used...
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A popular all natural ingredient Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used to relieve cold, ventilate and nourish the lungs. TCM used for cough, fever, chills, nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, lack of sweat, and body aches due to cold. NPN 80054809. Super concentrated formula, three times a day, 2 tablets each time. 96 tablets a bottle can last 24 days.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine used to relieve cold, ventilate and nourish the lungs. TCM used for cough, fever, chills, nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, lack of sweat, and body aches due to cold.
- Clinically proven, direct From GMP manufacturer that exceeds Canadian standards
- Licensed under Health Canada NPN 80054809, The product has been in the market for over 25 years
- Concentrated formula, highly effective and easy to use
- Only 2 tablets at a time, two to three times a day to provide all-day relief
- Use by Traditional and Natural Health practitioners across Canada
- Product reference at
- 【功能】解表散寒,宣肺止嗽。用于感冒咳嗽,发热恶寒,鼻塞流涕,头痛无汗,肢体酸痛。
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